For Your Information
We try to anticipate many of your questions. If you have additional questions not answered here please send us an email.
How much does a web site cost?The cost of a web site is dependent upon the number of web pages, the number of images, the amount of presentation design needed, the type of backend programming needed to make the web site do what you want it to do. After discussing your web site needs, we will be able to give a firm bid with a money back guarantee.
How long will it take to have my web site developed?Most small business web sites will be completed within 30 days if you provide the content, images and feedback in a reasonable amount of time. Before starting the development of your site, we will provide a timeline for completion of each stage of development.
Will we host your web site?We provide hosting for the web site we develop through We will also place the web site files on another server of your choice.
Can I buy a domain name through Black Widow?We will purchase your domain name for any web site that we develop. However, we will use your infomration during the registration process so you control your domain and can move it to another hos if you want.
Is email included with the web site?If we host your web site, there will be several email addresses available at no further charge. You will be able to access the email accounts through Outlook, Thunderbird or over the web.
What if I am not happy with the web site developed by Black Widow?If you are not satisfied with the web site developed by Black Widow, you can choose not to publish the site and you won't owe use any money.
Will you provide services to update the web site?If a web site needs frequent changes (schedule changes, new products, new images etc), we write backend programs to simplify the process for non-technologically savvy people. We will also provide ongoing services for a monthly charge.
Contact us for more information or a free estimate!
For more information or a free estimate, contact us:
Website Promotion
Create a well-constructed website
- Validated XHTML Code
- Validated CSS Code
- Validated accessibility standards
- Meets usability standards
- Interesting design that degrades well in older browsers
- Pertinent content that will draw visitors
- Content checked for spelling and grammar errors
- Website checked for broken links
- Images that load quickly and without distortion
- Compatibility with most browsers checked
- Browser load time checked
Helpful Links
Website usabilityWebsite promotion tutorial
More website promotion
Website creation tutorial
Website accessibility